Saturday, November 28, 2009

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

I am a african american and my hair is already long but i want it longer!!!!!!!!! I have a great texture of hair because of my mixed ancestors!!! please help!! no stupid answers!!! thanx alot!!!

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

Hair grows on average about 1/2 an inch a month. There are no remedies or products to make hair grow faster. The only thing you can do is promote healthy hair. And that is by eating foods rich in omega fatty acids, B vitamins, folic acid and protein. To keep your hair looking the best while it grows you should get a trim about every 6 to 8 weeks. Avoid overprocessing with colors, relaxers. Limit blowdrying, using flatirons or hotrollers. That should help your hair look great while growing out.

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

try to wear your own hair in french braids for a while and always keep your scalp moisturized, but the key is to find someone that can braid it with out pulling it so tight that you hair will come out around the edges

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

My sister n law has long hair too. Have youve heard of Doo Gro, its made specificially for blacks and you can get it at Sallys,Cvs, and i think Rite Aid. You should try it, besides helping your hair grow it conditions it without you having to put a lot of gunk on your hair and more. They have many Doo Gro products, (I think i spelled it right but it should be called Do Gro), they have grease, hair creme, you should use the oil, it works great.

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

Technically your hair does not grow longer than what you have. You can maintain healthy hair by having your ends clipped regularly and keeping good mainteance, i.e, regular washes, touch ups, eating healthy foods, etc. By doing this you can maintain healthy hair, but it does not necessarily mean that it will grow longer. I have yet to see an African American hair hair grow longer than it is already unless you are a young kid.

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

Use Horse and Mane shampoo and conditioner promotes hair growth and keeps your hair shiny and smooth I have long hair and its wat i use.

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

I work at a place called African Braids and we have this new stuff called Doo Groo and it makes your hair grow fast even on badly damaged hair Good Luck!

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

you have a few things you can do, first understand that hair is protien, called keratin. so if you increase your protien intake it will help. second, over the counter prenatal vitamins will help,(think about how mucha womans hair grows when she is pregnant). and last but not least if you can find a pure Lavendar oil and either mix it with a mild shampoo or conditioner and apply like normal. or use the oil as directed for topical use and massage your scalp. this will stimulate your hair follicles and make your hair grow.

How can i get my hair to grow significantly longer without a weave?????

through my experience doo grow workd the best. they have all different types of doo grow. there is one that expecially promotes the back and sides of your hair, its in a white and blue jar. you can buy it from sallys, rite aid, or wal mart. it usally goes for about 6.95. there is also a shampoo and conditioner called mane n tail. thats supposed to make your hair grow fuller and thicker.its cheap too, like around 5 dollers each .i know this tip will work for you if you keep you hair clean and well greased.

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