Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Will my hair grow? If followed by this routine?

I am a 14 year old African-American that has relaxed hair and i have mid-length hair because i trimmed it my routine is.......Wash hair everyweek , grease my scalp with Indian hemp and deep condition it also tying it down at night .. Is this good?

Will my hair grow? If followed by this routine?

yea its good when you say "tie it down at nite" do u mean like wraping it cuz thats really good

here are some really good products that i use and my hair is really long and healthy (my friends use them too and have really good, semi-long hair)

-pantene daily oil cream moisturizer(the relaxed and natrual line)

-BB oil moisturizer

-BB Super Grow grease(its green)

-Organic Root stimulator carrot oil

-100 percent boar brissle brushes ( Sephora has a really good one)

Will my hair grow? If followed by this routine?

yes it is!

Will my hair grow? If followed by this routine?

i think that is a good routine and your hair should grow

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