Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was remove

also the answer to question about hair of African Americans?

I can assure you none of the answers was offensive or inappropriate... well I am out of here... I thought this is a free exchange of ideas... my answer to Falwell passing was "the moral majority has proved it is neither" please let mr know if this offensive... as tothe question about African American hair which was "why is their hair not as lush as that of the caucasians and why is it nappy?" my answer was: "for the same same reason caucasian hair is stringy and straight and limp"

enjoy the ant farm, Yahoo is watching you...

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

Maybe, just maybe..:ITS THE WAY INWHICH YOU SAY IT...

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

I can't imagine why they would remove your answer, I remember the question... It was not offensive

I did not read your answer to falwell...

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

Don Imas got everybody trippin about saying words like

ho hos

and ho down

and water ho


the ho thing


nachos (not yours)

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

Honestly, its not necessarily just Yahoo. Yahoo gets hundreds of requests a just makes it easier if they just delete the questions that are identified as "abuse." Funny how it is...if someone doesn't agree with your statement...they just report you. I have had that done to me before, for comments that were not even remotely offensive. Just because.

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

Some idiot probably reported you. Don't know why. Yahoo doesn't even investigate, they just delete the question and send you the same generic notice.

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

Because it only takes a few liberal stalkers to complain about you and yahoo deletes your content. I thought libs were big freedom of speech supporters??? Is it it only when they speak??

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

It is a rare thing for Yahoo to err on the side of Christianity-you must have posted something to gross for even the perverts. I can assure that yahoo is not pro-Christian and not pro-Falwell.

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

Maybe they have chosen the mexicans answers

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

Because Yahoo is pathetic and does not value free speech.

Why is Yahoo editing and removing some of the answers? my answer to Jerry Falwell passing was removed?

Someone must have objected to what you said for whatever reason, so they reported you. It's not so much that Yahoo is doing it, as the other readers are. First of all, I don't know the question about Jerry Falwell's passing, so I can not tell you whether or not your answer was inappropriate or not.

Second, the question about African Americans hair being "nappy" should have been reported if your answer that simply stated that "Caucasian hair is stringy and straight and limp" was taken off. There is obviously a double standard in that situation. That should not have been deleted, but at the same time, you should not generalize. That is a good tip for anyone. Not ALL ____ are a certain way. Some, or most, but not all or the population of... Get it? I hate political correctness as much as the next person, but when you are dealing with public in any fashion, it is more respectable to do what is right. You can voice your opinion whether someone thinks it's right or wrong in a way that doesn't generalize and you will be good to go.

And I ask you this: why make a big deal out of it if you are really planning on leaving Yahoo!Answers? If you were really going to leave, what was the point of asking the question? I would think someone who wants to keep with the forums would ask a question like that. Am I wrong?

Whatever you decide- have a good one! :)

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