Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How do i grow longer hair?

hi, i am a african american teenager. i have hair that gets very very curley when wet. it's thin and i just got my ends clipped. i want to know how to grow my hair longer very fact. as a child i had very long hair because i did almost nothing to it but kept it in a nappy puff ball on top of my head. but as i got older i had to start geting my hair strightenedevery week or two. my hair usted to come past my shoulders when i wore it in a puff ball but ever since i started strightening my hair it noticed it is braking off and falling out... now in ts to my mid neck.

do you have any helpful tips. i am trying to get my hair back down to past my shoulders again by June 2008 because it took like 3 months to fall out.

what shampoos should i use?


what hairstyles could i wear because i can't go back to puff balls because i am in high school

should i wear my hair curley wet?

please help!

How do i grow longer hair?

this is what I say about tight curls hair

if you are in an overall good general health...

all you have to do is

protect the existing hair and promote the scalp to grow healthy hair ,as we all know hair grows about 1/2 to 1%26amp;1/2 inch every month depending on many thing ....but in general every one can grow hair if followed a good suitable regemine

-The first step to growing long hair is, believe it or not, to put your hairbrush in a hard to reach location and forget that you own it. Did you notice the mattress that your brush steals every time you brush your hair? Yeah. Isn't that a little alarming to you? It's ripping your hair out of your head everyday. Keep the brush hidden away for dire emergencies, say, Mr. President just pulled into the driveway and you look like hell.

or just put your hair into braids to dease manipulation

This is the most important part. when you Take a shower, wash hair, then apply a healthy coat of conditioner to all the hair on your head. Take the very wide comb in hand and now begin to comb the conditioner through every strand of hair. Start at the bottom tip of your hair and work your way up, through any tangles, to the scalp. This ensures that ALL of your hair is, in fact, conditioned like it should be, and also that it is free of tangles. You'll lose a few hairs as usual, sure, but not fluffy fur ball you USED to lose with the old brush. When rinsing the conditioner out, try to use the coolest water you can stand so that while the bulk of the conditioner goes down the drain, a fine protecting layer will remain on your precious strands all the day long. If the water is too hot, you will lose this loving sheath of cream rinse. What you do with the rest of your shower is up to you. or if you are using the crown %26amp; glowry technique , it means you need more care to wash a braided hair and be paitent while rains hair.

always keep hair moisturized and keep the ends sealed

never go to sleep without a head scarf "satin or silk" to prevent breakage

lets not forget about vitamins , menirals supplements

%26amp; silica

How do i grow longer hair?

Well let me help you out because I went through the same thing as you. Well first my hair was above my neck then I keep it braided for 6 or 7 months, that keeps heat, and hair gel from braking your hair off. Getting my braids re done each week and getting my ends clipped. Shampoos I used was Slik Elements and conditioner. I combed and brushed it while the shampoo and conditioner was in there. I shampooed it twice first time is to lift the dirt the second is to rinse it out. Drink lots of water. And for those 7 months I did that and still do it now, then I got a relaxer last week and my hair now became thick and goes past my shoulders. When my sister was doing my hair she couldn't believe it! I use Olive Oil relaxers that are natural so it is better that average plus they don't burn.

In high school (Which I'm a Junior) I wear my hair still in weave because it helps it grow, or other people wear it in ponytails or in a wrap.

How do i grow longer hair?


How do i grow longer hair?

The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. So try

http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How do i grow longer hair?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth


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