Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

I am an African American woman and my hair is breaking out. This is not the first time, however, this is the worst I've ever seen it. What should I do? I had a relaxer. I don't know if that was the problem. I stop wearing braids for awhile, but I'm so afraid to wear my nature hair, so I'm going back to individuals. What products should I use to help my hair grow and be healthy again? Thanks.

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

Apply hair oil to keep the hair soft and prevent drying

Use a mild herbal shampoo

Over brushing, exaggerated back combing, brushing wet hair, blow drying, coloring hair etc damage cuticle and cause splitting of hair. Malnutrition also causes splitting of hair.

How to prevent splitting of hair

Minimize brushing of hair.

Avoid brushing of hair when it is wet.

Use a wide toothed comb

Minimize or avoid using hair dyes, sprays and gels.

Prevent harmful effects of extreme weather conditions on hair, by wearing caps or scarves.

Apply hair conditioners to the tips of hair.

Cut the split hairs as soon as you spot them preferably 3 cms away from the split end.

Avoid elastic hair bands.

Remove bands, rollers and clips cautiously.




My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

its breakin out!? why are u keepin it locked up in the first place?! wat did it ever do to u?! as an african american u shud understand the hardship our ppl have had to go thru in slavery, yet u keep ur hair under lock an key. and curse when it finally escapes to freedom.... for shame

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

You Should Put A Treatment On It Every Week Yous It Like A Conditioner But Leave In On For 2-3 Min's Gooood Luck x

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

hey guy, you can try this one:


Bed Head TIGI Treat Me Right Peppermint Hair Mask-

Give your hair a spa treatment in 5 minutes with this stimulating and conditioning mask that will give you full, shiny, healthier hair. Recommended for color treated hair.



Bed Head TIGI Chocolate Head Massive Hair Repair Treatment-Powerfully restores and deeply conditions dry, damaged and chemically treated hair. Gives massive shine.

or choose by yourself





My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

you should first cut the ends of your hair and you can use olive oil on your hair every night it will help in making it stronger and use some of oil mixture that helps in making your hair stronger like Oil Watercress put it with olive oil and Sesame oil, sweet almond oil ..and put it on your hair for 3-4 hour it will help in keeping your hair strong .

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

for hair care and skincare just step into

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

Hi. From what you have said it sounds like your hair is damaged from the relaxer. Many black women lose lots of hair from wearing relaxers. I want to encourage you to think about wearing your hair naturally. There are many different ways to wear natural hair (hair without chemicals). You just have to find the way that works for you. Some people wear it in an afro, some people braid it, others style it in different ways. For more information on how to help your hair visit http://www.black-hair-growth.info

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Haircare Recipes


My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

I have a few african american friends and they use petroleum jelly. Take strands and saturate them at bedtime, leave in all night or as long as possible. Works for them as far as i can tell.

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

Try Infusium 23-the leave in conditioner, some Vitamin E capsules or Perm Repair. You use the Perm Repair daily and you will see a change in about 2 weeks. Also if there are some stress factors in your life, try to find a way to release this. Stress will make your hair come out, aside from the chemical side effects of a relaxer. Good Luck

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

it depends on your hair,like if it's dry,oily etc. you would look for products especialy for those issues. i use motions herbal.

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

I do have endured this problem. I am talking about recently, too. I was in oveer my head inundated with questions and desiring quick solutions.

Problem: My hair was breaking off alot especially in the back. I mean it was so short in the back that it seemed as if I had a different hair cut underneath my medium length hair.

My solution: Before washing my hair I use a mixture of vanilla extract and olive oil. I leave this on for a few hours then I wash out and condition hair with rich treatment conditioner.

This makes your hair stronger and stops and prevents the breakage. I also relaxed my hair and cut off my hair to even out the shorter hair in the back. I like it because it looks healthy, even, and cute. Its short but it reaches my jaw line and neck.

If I may add, My hair began breaking off due to highlights and stress. Please be weary of these foes.

My hair is breaking out? How can I treat my hair?

Ok. Well I have some ideas because this has happened to me before but it was a slight problem. Nothing big. But what I suggest is that you get some satin or silk pillow cases and make sure you are sleeping on them because if your old ones are cotton or something, that could be one of them problems if your hair is breaking off around the edges. Another thing you could do is maybe if you are using some type of gel on your hair you stop because that can also cause your hair to break. Uh, like you said, braids are pulling on your hair, make sure you don't have to many of those for awhile until you see some progress in your hair. Uh also you could start going to the hair salon like twice a week so that way it is getting washed and stuff and it is staying clean ya know? And I am not saying that your hair is dirty or whatever and you dont get it done or anything! LOL. Please dont think I mean that it is just stuff that I did but I was kind of already getting it done at least twice a week. And if you had a relaxer maybe you should lay off of those because sometimes that can be the cause of hair breakage. And lastly I suggest that you go buy some type of vitamins for your hair and take them once a day so that way your hair is still getting all the nutrients and stuff it needs to grow. I did that and since it was like powder stuff I would put it in the blender and turn it into a smoothie so that way it would still taste good. GoOd LuCk! :]

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