Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are there products to make permed hair grow?

For african american permed hair?

I am using Lusters Pretty n Silky

Are there products to make permed hair grow?

Doctor Miracle's products are good, but the best thing you can do is keep your hair combed and wear a stressless hair style. I have found that my hair grows the most when I keep it in a wrap style. I wrap it before I go to bed every night and I just comb it down the next day when I am getting ready to go out. This will keep you from using a lot of heat on your hair, which will damage it. Keep it moisturized good also.

Are there products to make permed hair grow?

I can tell you alot about this topic, but i would rather chat about it, because I am african american and I have waist length hair, if you don't mind, I am on yahoo messenger right now, and we can chat, I can give you a lot of tips and stuff

Are there products to make permed hair grow?

I use TCB perm, The way I started my hair to row was: Permed it once every six weeks, washed it with deep conditioning and shampoo once a week, clip my ends every fourth wash. And curl it once a week and make sure you oil your scalp once a week . trust me it works very well

Are there products to make permed hair grow?

Get deep conditionings every 2 weeks, stick with one produce. I use Dr. Miracle's. Vitamin E oil works too. Made my hair grow a lot...

Are there products to make permed hair grow?

before you start to grow your hair make sure that your ends and hair is healthy, if your hair is not healthy and you decide to grow it, it wil fall off and you will be in search for a different product again.

to promote hair growth do not use excessive grease and oil, stay away from gels and spritz

you should get a perm every 3 months, at a salon

and a wash regularly every 2 wks from a stylist. ask to get your hair deep conditioned and wrapped. wrapping the hair every night promotes growth. then ask your stylist to recommend a product based on your hair texture and condition. STAY AWAY FROM HEATED PRODUCTS always use roller set and wrap the ends to dry, do not blow dry as that damages the cuticles of the hair. I suggest using a ceramic flat iron or curler not the traditional ones as the cause damage, dont be afraid to tell your stylist NO, its your hair, some just want to be quick, done and cash in.. so be in charge

Are there products to make permed hair grow?

Here's what you gotta do:

1. Get a vitamin E capsule (most of them comes in gel capsule form that has a liquid inside. Any brand will do.)

2. Get a needle and pop the capsule.

3. Now get your shampoo bottle and put the liquid vitamin E inside the bottle.

4. Mix the bottle.

5. Use your shampoo.

You'll notice that your hair will grow faster compared before. Trust me, this works. :) I also do this myself. :)

If you have virgin coconut oil at home, you can use this as well. Put it on hair and leave it for at least 30 minutes (You can do this at least 3x a day). Then rinse it off using your shampoo. The VCO can act as your hair lengthener and as your conditioner. :) Goodluck! :)

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