I'm african american with super thick hair. I can't do anything with it. I get perms but after a week and a half it looks like i haven't had one in months. Is there any product out there for african americans that could help thin it out. Please help! Anything is helpful!
I have super thick hair! Is there anything that could help?
You can flat iron it.
When you wash it roll it and set under hair dryer, do not let it air dry.
You can also use curl softeners instead of trying to get it bone straight. There are shampoos that loosen curls and there are chemical products.
Wrap your hair at night no matter the length to make it more manageable. This will train your hair. Keep it well conditioned so that it will no break off. I like Pantene conditioners. Make sure you keep you scalp moisturized.
There are ways to cut the hair that make it not be so thick. Tell the stylist to cut your hair like they would a hair weave to make it look more real and not so thick.
I have super thick hair! Is there anything that could help?
There is no 'product' to thin it out, you have to go to a hairdresser and get them to thin it out, or if you have an experienced friend who can do it, get them too.
Basically, a hairdresser uses special scissors that cut a few hairs diffusely from a section, causing the section of hair to be thinner, as there is less hair and thus less volume.
I have super thick hair! Is there anything that could help?
Give a hair jell or a hair wax.
I have super thick hair! Is there anything that could help?
Get layers.
I have super thick hair! Is there anything that could help?
use carol's daughter "healthy hair butter". it make your hair managable and easy to deal with. Also use plenty of conditioner, african american hair tend to be very dry. In addition to the "healthy hair butter" they have a lot of different products. I love the products and they work very well.
I have super thick hair! Is there anything that could help?
use the hair straighter at highest degree 鎺矯 oftenly without applying any hair products. it will help ur hair to get thinner. later, it's better if u start protecting it.. too much hair straightining will break ur hair easily.
I have super thick hair! Is there anything that could help?
I know what u mean.My hair is Thick and long.Try getting your perms early.wash your hair every week.And try some straighting shampoo.
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